
Cuba: Ortega leaves cadre of bishops

Cardinal Jaime Ortega left the board of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Cuba (COCC) after years of belonging to that hierarchy, while prelates ma s young people came to occupy high cargos.La assembly of bishops, whose result was released over the weekend and posted a statement on its website, confirmed Dionisio & Garc # XED, a, Archbishop of Santiago, president of the jerarquíay put as their second Arturo González Amador, owner of Santa Clara.Se is a change that also hopes to continue pol & # XED; policy to the Church, said the expert in the history of religions at the University of Havana, Enrique López Oliva.

"It's a renewal of their cadres," said López Oliva The Associated Press. "The Catholic Church in the world is in a process of change and Cuban also is adjusting to the time of the country." Ortega, who plays & # xF1; aba as Vice President and is the only cardinal available to the island in 2011 presented his resignation to regulatory Archbishop of Havana, the largest in the Caribbean nation & # xF1, a-due to age, although to date this was not accepted by the popes Benedict XVI and Francisco.

The general secretary shall Juan de Dios Hernández Ruiz, who currently serves as an auxiliary bishop of Havana, along with José Félix Ortega.Monseñor Pérez, deputy secretary of the COCC, said that the change in policy is part of "routine elective process" of the institution. "It turned 75 (a & # xF1; os), Cardinal is waiting, "he told the AP Perez, who said Rome should give an answer about the fate of the cardinal and conform unlisted leadership.

Meanwhile, Perez said that although not on the structure of the presidency, Ortega remains in the Committee on Seminars and responsibilities cultura.Ortega has received strong criticism from opponents of the Cuban government, which was accused of negotiating with the authorities and not confront them, in exchange for the freedom of prisoners políticos.El cardinal was persecuted in the 60s and was imprisoned in a field working, but still defended before Fidel and Raul Castro president's right to develop its institutional work.

The forced resignation of senior prelates at age 75 does not mean that the house envíea Ortega and instead could be called to Rome, said the expert Ló , fish Oliva.Agregó Garcia's leadership, which according to tradicióny to be bishop of Santiago, the second largest diocese in the pa & # xed, s-could be moved to Havana when finally Ortega's resignation is accepted, it will not mean a change in direction.

García "moderately critical of the government, but with nuances, will continue with the same line or Ortega is trying to reclaim the space for the survival of the institution by dialogue with the government, "said Lopez Oliva.Nacido in 1936, Ortega was appointed cardinal in 1994.Al heat of improving relations between the government and the church in the past decades traveled to Cuba two popes, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, and now a return process of temples that had been taken after the triumph of the revolution unfolds .


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Liberan a condenadas por abuso sexual

Tres de cuatro mujeres de San Antonio que están encarceladas por el abuso sexual contra dos chicas en 1994 estaban por ser liberadas el lunes después de que un juez consideró que sus condenas se basaron en testimonios defectuosos , dijo el abogado defensor.
El abogado Mike Ware dijo que las tres mujeres que aún estaban en la cárcel serían liberadas al pagar una fianza la tarde del lunes y deberán presentarse en la corte cuando & # xE9;.. sta lo disponga El fiscal Rico Valdez confirmó que ély Ware llegaron a un acuerdo y el juez lo aprobó En 1998, Elizabeth Ramírez, Kristie Mayhugh y Cassandra Rivera fueron condenadas por abusar varias veces durante una semana de 1994 de dos sobrinas de Ramírez, de 7 y 9 años.
 Las niñas dijeron en el juicio que las mujeres las ataron de muñecas y tobillos, las atacaron y amenazaron con matarlas. Una cuarta acusada, Anna Vásquez, ya había sido puesta en libertad bajo palabra pero bajo condiciones estrictas. "Es un soplo de aire fresco", dijo Vásquez a los medios de prensa luego del anuncio hecho por Ware. "Es un sentimiento sorprendente, es como un sueño hecho realidad ". Aunque no se declaró formalmente inocentes a las mujeres, los fiscales del condado de Bexar dijeron que no piensan someterlas a juicio otra vez si la Corte de Apelaciones Criminales de Texas declara nulo el juicio.

 Ramírez había sido condenada a 37 años de prisión. Mayhugh, Vásquez y Rivera fueron sentenciadas a 15 años de cárcel . Más de una década después de que las mujeres fueron condenadas, su caso atrajo la atención de abogados que trabajan para la organización sin fines de lucro Proyecto de Inocencia de Texas, que investiga casos en los que probablemente se condenó injustamente a los acusados. Ware, que trabajó en el caso durante dos años, presentó una solicitud a nombre de ellas en la Corte de Apelaciones Criminales de Texas. El testimonio clave para condenar a las cuatro mujeres fue el de un experto que sostuvo que la lesión vaginal que presentaba una de las niñas podría haber sido causada por un ataque.
De acuerdo con una solicitud presentada por Ware, la doctora Nancy Kellog testificó que esa lesión podría haber ocurrido en el tiempo en que sucedieron los presuntos ataques, pero sus conclusiones ya han sido corregidas por nuevos hallazgos o avances científicos, según dijeron los abogados.

El estado de Texas ha aprobado varias leyes para contar con salvaguardas contra pruebas de ADN, identificación de testigos y otros asuntos en respuesta a numerosos casos de condenas indebidas. Ware se apoyó en una ley aprobada este añ ; o que permite a los acusados ​​presentar apelaciones basadas en el potencial uso de "ciencia chatarra", algo que según los abogados de acusados ​​injustificadamente se ha usado frecuentemente para decidir condenas.


Find that Perfect Pair of Designer Earrings for Every Occasion

From hoops to studs, silver to gold, there are a number of options to choose from when trying to find that perfect pair of earrings for every occasion. Selecting the best among a sea of baubles does not have to be so hard. There are actually a few earring styles that can suit nearly every occasion from looking professional at work to looking relaxed while hanging out with friends. A few earring styles to consider include:
  small hoops pearls polished silver diamond accents
 Each of these styles can be worn with a wide range of outfits to any occasion or event.
 Small hoops can serve as the perfect pair of earrings in nearly every situation. If you are at work, hoops can add just the right amount of professional detail to your outfit. When you go out on a date, small hoops can add just the right amount of polished and pretty to your outfit, whether you are dressed up or dressed down. You can even go for runs with hooped earrings. They are not weighted enough to hurt your ears and will not get caught on anything if they are small enough.
 Pearls are another option that many consider as the perfect pair of earrings. They add a classic, sophisticated look without being too overbearing. When choosing pearls, opt for pearl studs. They accentuate the ear in a noticeable way without commanding too much attention. Another great feature about pearls is that they suit any event. You can wear them around the office, out on a date, or even around the house. Pearl studs are often a comfortable, lightweight earring that is not bothersome to the ear at all. You can wear them for prolonged periods without having to worry about the effect it will have on your lobes.
 Polished silver earrings also make the perfect pair of earrings. While gold is very lovely, there is something about the polished gleam of silver that fits comfortably into any event. The silver can suit a number of earring designs from studs to hoops, chandeliers and more. Keep in mind that finding the perfect pair of earrings is entirely up to you and what style you feel most comfortable with in your ear. For example, some may prefer white gold to silver and so on. Choose what makes your ears feel most comfortable but avoid earrings that are too large or ornately designed.
 Diamonds, particularly when worn as small studs, can serve as a perfect pair of earrings.
While diamonds are often considered too dressy, they can also be worn on someone who is looking to dress down. Avoid large diamonds or ornate diamond baubles on the ears as this may in fact seem too dressy. A small pair of diamond studs provide the perfect pair of earrings for several situations. They add a nice gleam to the ear, drawing just enough attention without seeming to gaudy or misplaced, no matter what the occasion or event you have been invited to.


Amazon Shopping Reviews for Contigo and Trudeau Best Mugs

Travel mugs have turned out to be some of the top rated products on the internet, many of which have thousands of customer reviews and hundreds of thousands of purchases. It is because of this that we will describe some of the best travel mug items from top rated brands including Contigo and Trudeau in order to give you a better idea of what there is to buy online.
 The Trudeau Board Room Travel Mug is a fantastic choice for those of you who work in a professional situation such as an office building who want a spiffy looking mug to carry around. This mug does well with the customers since it currently holds a 4 star rating on the Amazon shopping site with around 50 customer comments. Amazingly this product is also super cheap coming in at right around $10. It uses basic mug features such as being spill proof and leak proof and most customers back these claims up happily. The only negative reviews appear to be related to the fact that some customers have reported wear and tear on this product after the first year. This is not a product made for durability and because of this we recommend handling it with care. Customers seem very happy with the idea that this travel mug is leak proof even when tumbling around in odd positions. This is surely what is meant by the definition of "travel mug."
 The Contigo Extreme Stainless Steel Best Travel Mug brings the idea of traveling to an extreme by making use of a special clipping handle which allows one to clip it onto anything such as backpacks, straps or even belt loops. This product is not for the casual person. Sadly, this product is not rated very highly on Amazon and has only a 3 star rating. There are lots of people complaining about how quickly and easily this product wears away and breaks, which does not very much live up to its name of "Extreme." While some have had the clip of the handle itself snap some have had the coating rub or scratch off all too easily. A few have even reported leaking issues which is completely unacceptable since the current market has so many leak proof travel mug products. While this mug might look great and have some nice features, based on the customer reviews we suggest you steer clear from this product for good. There are far better products on the market, even by Contigo itself.
 These have been only a few of the best travel mugs listed on Amazon and other shopping websites.  We also recommend that you go to these websites yourself to contrast and compare each travel mug, one against the other, to choose which product is right for you. Pay close attention to customer comments that come from people just like yourself. Most people who submit reviews will be very honest and up front, and it is for that reason that you will be able to make the informed purchase choice when shopping over the internet. Happy shopping!

Amazon Shopping Reviews for Contigo and Trudeau Best Mugs

Travel mugs have turned out to be some of the top rated products on the internet, many of which have thousands of customer reviews and hundreds of thousands of purchases. It is because of this that we will describe some of the best travel mug items from top rated brands including Contigo and Trudeau in order to give you a better idea of what there is to buy online.
 The Trudeau Board Room Travel Mug is a fantastic choice for those of you who work in a professional situation such as an office building who want a spiffy looking mug to carry around. This mug does well with the customers since it currently holds a 4 star rating on the Amazon shopping site with around 50 customer comments. Amazingly this product is also super cheap coming in at right around $10. It uses basic mug features such as being spill proof and leak proof and most customers back these claims up happily. The only negative reviews appear to be related to the fact that some customers have reported wear and tear on this product after the first year. This is not a product made for durability and because of this we recommend handling it with care. Customers seem very happy with the idea that this travel mug is leak proof even when tumbling around in odd positions. This is surely what is meant by the definition of "travel mug."
 The Contigo Extreme Stainless Steel Best Travel Mug brings the idea of traveling to an extreme by making use of a special clipping handle which allows one to clip it onto anything such as backpacks, straps or even belt loops. This product is not for the casual person. Sadly, this product is not rated very highly on Amazon and has only a 3 star rating. There are lots of people complaining about how quickly and easily this product wears away and breaks, which does not very much live up to its name of "Extreme." While some have had the clip of the handle itself snap some have had the coating rub or scratch off all too easily. A few have even reported leaking issues which is completely unacceptable since the current market has so many leak proof travel mug products. While this mug might look great and have some nice features, based on the customer reviews we suggest you steer clear from this product for good. There are far better products on the market, even by Contigo itself.
 These have been only a few of the best travel mugs listed on Amazon and other shopping websites.  We also recommend that you go to these websites yourself to contrast and compare each travel mug, one against the other, to choose which product is right for you. Pay close attention to customer comments that come from people just like yourself. Most people who submit reviews will be very honest and up front, and it is for that reason that you will be able to make the informed purchase choice when shopping over the internet. Happy shopping!


Delving Into the World of Gaming : New Xbox 360 Games

If you are like me , then you probably take time out to check reviews of new Xbox 360 games before dropping your hard - earned cash on a title . If so , you will definitely appreciate the new and upcoming titles that will keep you glued to your console .
The Apache series of games has always had a loyal followings wing and the new Apache : Air Assault allows a Player to fully indulge in the aerial warfare fantasy . For the average player , this game will take them 2:14 different levels of conflict . You will get to experience what it is like to deal with pirates off the African coast , the drug lords of South America and other locales , all of which are designed to be tackled from the air . You may need to go through the tutorial stage two get acquainted with the operation of an Apache. As you move up to the Realistic difficulty level , you begin two appreciate the physics of flying a helicopter and what it takes to stay alive . In order to beat even a single mission , you will need to have proper action of both the altitude and rotation .
Other new Xbox 360 games that have gotten good reviews are Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2, NBA 2K11 , Spider -Man : Shattered Dimensions and Halo Reach among others. Halo , one of the most successful franchises in video game history has done it again with Reach taking the Xbox 360 scene by storm. Taking place a few weeks before the events of the first game , Reach adds new graphics to the sequel making it look more mature and giving the title a class that fits its name . In this final chapter of the series , a multi -player feature makes Halo join the ranks of other multi -player games like Madden and Call of Duty and claims the spot of one of the must -play new Xbox games . This is serious stuff .

NHL is another game worth mentioning and the tagline "any moment can be a wow moment" is a totally accurate catchphrase that Appears on the back cover of the NHL 11 for both the Xbox and the Playstation 3 The game adds those " wow moments" by being very natural and realistic . The only thing that is lacking is being relaxed to head out for a few beers after the game with your team buddies.
Other brand new Xbox 360 games worth checking out include Vanquish , Assassin 's Creed Brotherhood , Quantum Theory and Fallout : New Vegas.